I snapped up this petticoat in red to wear under my black Elvy skirt to the renaissance faire. I chose the longer length than I usually do, so it would hang lower than the Elvy and be that bright peek of color at the bottom and in the front slits on the overskirt. I was going to wait to do this review till I had a photo of myself wearing my whole outfit, but time got away from me with my boring real life and my fun preparing for the opening weekend. So here's my happy review- I've worn the skirt twice, so far. Once to the highland games and another time on a photo shoot over leggings. There's an underskirt inside, so you can wear it alone if you like. The only reason I haven't is because, as a petticoat, it doesn't have pockets. Anyway, I love it, the poppy red is the perfect shade, and it washes and hang-dries wonderfully.
Regular / 2X/3X / Poppy Red